The Town has several events during the last part of the year, Montverde Day, Trunk or Treat and Light-up Montverde. We are always looking for residents to volunteer during these event. Selling raffle tickets, decorating, setting up tables and chairs, serving popcorn, food, making sure the trunks stay full of treats. If you are interested in helping, contact Town Hall at 407 469-2681. Remember, it takes a village!
List of Qualified Candidates for (2) Two Town Council seats
NOVEMBER 5, 2024 ELECTION Embrace Church, 17409 8th St. Montverde FL 34756 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. TOWN COUNCIL (2) TWO SEATS QUALIFIED CANDIDATES Thomas Johnson Joe Morganelli Jim Peacock Marta Wladyczka Carol Womack